The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Many unimagined changes since leaving PSU. Taught Middle School Art for 17 years. Loved it for a long time. Learned to ride and bought a horse - a childhood dream come true! Loved every minute and every dollar spent with, or on, my horses. Married in 1978. Husband a teacher. Built a house in 1980 and still live there, rural northwest CT. Went to law school at night in 1986. Attorney since 1990, specializing in Workers' Compensation. In 2008 appointed by the governor to serve as a WC Commissioner (an administrative law judge in other states). Wonderful opportunity; love the job. Also still riding, new horse now, and every year my friends and I take a riding vacation (think City Slickers, but even better.) Husband eventually became a Supt. of Schools. Retiring this year. I, though, will work for nine more years to get that State of CT pension. Sadly lost touch with all classmates and friends from PSU, but one of my fondest wishes would be to repeat my college years, as long as I could know what I know now.